MCH Creative Photo Concepts
Photos Organized and Preserved helping you Make Cherished Heirlooms
About Me

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I am a former Financial Executive that is well experienced with being organized and managing projects. I enjoy being a problem solver and I love being able to use my creative skills when faced with a challenging task.
I am excited to be able to help others preserve their pictures and get them organized and ready to share so they can be passed down to future generations.
MCH Creative Photo Concepts wants to help you manage your photos and assist with Making Cherished Heirlooms, so your friends and family can enjoy them now and for generations to come. I understand that our lives are so busy these days. Our time is valuable, and we all have the best intentions to "get organized". However, even with the best intentions, sometimes we just need a little help, and that is what I am here to do.
The photos we have inherited, or took the time to capture ourselves, are invaluable and need to be cared for properly so that our stories can be told, shared and passed down. Let me help you tell your story.
I do this through scanning, photo organizing, videos, photo books and photo gifts. I will show you the proper way to organize, so you can always have that just needed photo at your fingertips.
I cater to busy families, baby boomers, seniors, companies and organizations. We all have a story to tell. I want to be your trusted advisor when it comes to your most important memories, your photo collection.
Contact me today so we can discuss how I can help you organize your photos so you can start Making Cherished Heirlooms you can share and display.